Thank you for visiting my Blog. One of my favorite hobbies on the internet is "cruising" recipe sites and trying out a chosen few. On this site I will share with you my "chosen few" recipes.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Sweet Green Tomato Relish
As I came zooming down our gravel road, home from work...almost dark, I see my neighbor standing outside with a plastic bag full of something. She held it up in the air as I passed by...I looked back, and I realized she was waiting for me!! Slammed on the breaks ...(kind of fun on the gravel) and I backed up to her house. There she stood with a bag full of green tomatoes... She had run out of things to do with them. After all you can only eat so many fried green tomatoes.
I searched the good old Internet and found a couple recipes... I took a little from one and a little more from another..
After cleaning and cutting up the tomatoes; put them in the food processor and roughly chop; then put the tomatoes in a mesh cloth and squeezed as much of liquid that you can. Chop up 4 medium onions and 4 seeded green peppers (you can use red and yellow as well) Mix tomatoes, green pepper and onions in a large stainless steel pot. Add 2 to 3 cups of sugar and 2 to 3 cups vinegar. Make a spice pouch**, and fill it with pickling spices (a large tablespoon). Add pouch to tomato mixture along with a tablespoon of celery seed, put on stove and bring to a boil for 30 minutes. Pour into sterilized jars and seal.
** For the pickling pouch I used a coffee filter and a metal tie wrap to hold it together.